As a business owner and/or marketer your number one task and responsibility is to plan all aspects of your business. Everything from your finances to your traffic generation strategy should be planned. Experts recommend spending at least 25% of your time planning.
Here's what to consider when planning your traffic generation strategy:
1. What are your traffic goals?
2. What tools are you going to use to achieve those goals?
3. What is your budget?
4. What goals do you have for each traffic generation tool and how are you going to achieve them?
5. How are your testing and tracking results?
6. How do all your tools and traffic generation tactics work together?
7. How often will you reassess, analyze, and plan your strategy?
Your plan may not be linear, nor does it have to be.
It could be a mindmap, a flowchart, or a simple free form paragraph.
There isn't a right or wrong way to plan, what is important is that you do it. Having a plan will make sure you don't miss a step, make mistakes, or skip over a potentially lucrative and effective traffic generation strategy.
Have a great day.
Until tomorrow,